This app collects data for the DemonNet DAQ System. It measures CCD noise in camera images to detect cloaked (demonic) anomalies via their unique EMF interference signature in tandem with other client app installations, world-wide. All clients upload their data to a central database, which is then combined to track the anomalies over a wide geographic area using the time and location for each measurement, and to extrapolate intended destinations (or interpolate between known destinations).
More information regarding the purpose of the DemonNet DAQ System, and how the data collected by clients will be used for the aforestated purposes, is available on The Life of a Demoniac at:
TECHNOLOGY | How to build a demon detector with your cellphone
TECHNOLOGY | Detecting (real) demonic activity in digital media
DIGEST | (TECHNOLOGY) Tips and Techniques for Processing Demonic Digital Media to Save the World
TECH | "Demon net" iPhone app prototype
PREVIEW | DemonNet for iOS Developers
Human technology is not always the demonic inferior
TECH | Apple approves DemonNet App for Beta Testing